



We are a French furniture design studio whose purpose is to propose innovative solutions towards noise pollution and lack of privacy in indoor spaces.

Shape your privacy

Because we know how scarce calm and privacy have become, we give you the ability to access these precious moments easily.

It is there only if you need it

Crossroads between design, engineering, sensitivity and art, our new paths to calm and privacy are hidden in plain sight.

Materialize them only if you need to, otherwise they don’t take any space.

Meet Orri

Meet Wraap

Milan Design Week
Isola – Tale care!

Noppi got selected by Isola Design to showcase Wraap on the Take Care! exhibition.

Stecca3 – Via Gaetano de Castillia, 26

See you there!

Paris Design Week

For its very first exhibition, Noppi got selected by the Paris Design Week Factory to showcase Orri. 






Within cities, space is becoming increasingly shared and multi- functional. Whether it be open- spaces, co-working spaces, or co- living spaces… modular spaces have the ability to welcome various people, uses, needs, and atmospheres.

As spaces evolve, we are finding ourselves sharing, communicating, and exchanging constantly with one another. This may energize for our social side, but we raise a question: don’t you feel the need for a break from time to time? A need for time for yourself, when other people fade away so you can focus, relax or rest…

At Noppi, we believe this is a sincere feeling and that a person’s well- being is enhanced by establishing a healthy balance between social interaction and one’s personal time. Wouldn’t it be perfect if you could easily make the switch?

Noppi is a brand-new furniture design studio that rethinks traditional furniture to easily allow you to materialize your own private and quiet cocoon, for a moment, your moment.

Alexandre Guyenne

Alexandre Guyenne

Co-founder & CEO

If you ask Alexandre, life is about building. Building relationships, building infrastructures, building stories…

It does not matter what you build, as long as it comes from passion and you do it alongside people you care about.

Over the past ten years, this civil engineer has built many things, each time surrounded by people he appreciates: a hospital, offshore wind farms, countless theater plays.

Many different projects but with a common purpose:

Improving community wellbeing.

Gaël Hiétin

Gaël Hiétin

Co-founder & Creative Dir

Gaël grew up on Goree Island, Senegal.

He has grown at the heart of cultures where elements have souls, where objects have power, where narratives weave invisible bridges between men and what surrounds them.

So, of course, the way he looks at things carries the uniqueness that characterizes his projects. 

Gaël is looking for sensory, emotional and magical interaction.

He aspires to animate the inertia, to make tangible the intangible through a creative approach inspired by biomimicry, animatics and polysensoriality.



Act with Elegance, in our behavior, in our communication, in our relationships.

Design with Elegance our products and solutions.


Take risks to innovate.

Propose something new, something never seen before.

Explore the uncharted and rely on sciences, know-how and intuition to achieve something worthly, something relevant, something elegant.


Consider the impact of our design. Impact on people, impact on the environment, impact on Noppi’s reason to existe.

Make sure our products address a need, cannot be built with less raw material, can outlive its owner.

Let's get in touch

1 + 1 =


SAS au capital de 15 000€
R.C.S. Paris 900 703 463
N° TVA FR 25 900 703 463
6 rue d’Armaillé – 75017 Paris
Copyright – 2023 Noppi SAS




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